First up lets get the ice-cream ready, use a spoon or ice cream scoop to make 8-10 tablespoon size scoops of ice-cream. Pop them onto a lined baking tray and put in the freezer to set.
Now it’s time to make the mochi, pop your flour, caster sugar and Cocoa Powder into a large microwavable bowl and mix to combine. Pop in the water, milk and Vanilla Extract and whisk together until smooth and combined.
Cover with cling film and pop into the microwave for 1 minute, stir with a spatula and then pop back in for another minute. Repeat this until your mochi has steamed in the microwave about 4-5 times, it will get firmer as it cooks. You should have a sticky but firm dough.
Leave the mochi in the bowl and cover with cling film, making sure it touches the mochi and pop in the fridge to cool for about 30 minutes.
Once your mochi is cool, place a large sheet of greaseproof on your work surface and dust with cornflour, you’ll need to use plenty as the mochi dough is very sticky! Pop the dough onto your dusted greaseproof and cover with cornflour. Dust your rolling pin in cornflour and roll out until approx. 3-5 mm thickness, keep dusting with cornflour if the dough begins to stick. Using a circle cutter approx. 10cm wide cut out 8-10 circles of dough.
Working on one mochi ball at a time, pop a ball of ice-cream in the centre of the mocha dough circle and fold it around the ice-cream to completely cover it. You will end up with folds of dough at the base of the ball. Pop the mochi ball straight back into the freezer and start working on your next one. Continue until all your mochi circles are filled with ice-cream!
Store in the freezer until you are ready to serve.
Cake Pop Recipes
Cake Pop Recipes