Put the egg white powder in a bowl, mix with 8tsp of warm water until smooth, gradually mix in 8tsp of warm water until combined and smooth.
Preheat your oven to 140C/120C fan/Gas Mark 2. Line 2 large baking sheets with baking parchment and draw 3 x 15cm circles on them to use as templates.
Whisk the eggs on a low speed at first, turning up the speed gradually to medium, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add 250g of the sugar 1tbsp at a time mixing well after each addition. Using a spatula, divide the mixture between the 3 templates and spread to cover the template and create 3 x circles of meringue mixture. Bake for 45 mins then leave to cool in the oven - this helps prevent your meringue cracking.
Whilst your meringue is baking, make your coulis. Pop the ingredients into a saucepan and stir to combine. Heat over low heat stirring the mixture until the sugar has dissolved. Turn up to a medium heat until the mixture begins to boil, allow to boil for 2-3 minutes and then remove from the heat leave to cool and thicken.
Whip the cream, mascarpone and Vanilla Extract together until softly peaking, pop in the fridge until your ready to use.
This dessert is best assembled when you are ready to serve; pop a layer of meringue onto your serving plate and smooth over a layer of cream and drizzle over some coulis. Repeat to layer up all 3 discs of meringue. top with some more cream and coulis! For a fruitier dessert why not add extra berries into the layers of cream and pop some on top to decorate! Store in the fridge until you're ready to serve!
Dessert and After Dinner Recipes
Dessert and After Dinner Recipes