First things first, chop up the Chocolate and pop into a large bowl. Pour the cream, butter and Peppermint Extract into a pan and gently heat until just simmering and the butter is melted.
Pour the warm cream mixture over the chopped chocolate and leave to stand for 1 minute. Next, gently fold the mixture together to melt the remaining chocolate until you have a lovely glossy ganache. – If your chocolate hasn’t completely melted pop in the microwave for 10 second bursts stir after each burst until it is all melted.
Cover your bowl of ganache and pop in the fridge for about 3 hours to allow your ganache to thicken. The bigger your bowl the quicker your ganache will set, so we recommend a wide large bowl.
Once your ganache has thickened, take a spoonful of ganache and roll into a ball and place on a sheet of greaseproof paper, this is quite messy, if your hands are really warm it might be easier to roll your truffles between 2 spoons. You should be able to roll about 10-16 truffles depending on how big you make them. If your truffles are very sticky once you’ve rolled them pop back in the fridge for 30 mins.
Now all your truffles are rolled, it is time for the fun bit covering them, sieve your Cocoa Powder onto a plate and roll a few of your truffles in the cocoa powder to coat them. Now do the same with the Christmas Sprinkle Strands. – you can also try this with chopped nuts. Once all your truffles are coated, pop them back into the fridge to firm up.
Pop your truffles onto a bag or box and wrap with a ribbon for the perfect gift for a chocolate lover!
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes