Preheat oven to 150°C/140°C fan oven/Gas Mark 2.
To make the macarons: Take 3 flat baking trays approx. 29cm x 35cm and line with non stick baking paper.
Take another sheet of baking paper and cut it to the same size of your baking trays. On this paper draw your templates for the macarons. Each circle should be approx. 4cm in diameter and there should be a gap of approx. 2cm between each circle. Put the template under one of the sheets of the greaseproof paper lining the trays.
To make the macarons, put 60g of the egg white into a large bowl.
Put the ground almonds and icing sugar in a food processor and process until well combined and even in colour.
Transfer to a sieve and sieve over the egg whites.
Mix with the egg whites until well combined then mix in the green food colour.
Put the remaining 60g of egg whites into the bowl of a freestanding mixer.
In a small pan add the caster sugar and water and heat until it reaches 117°C, measuring the heat with a sugar thermometer.
Whilst the sugar is heating begin whisking the eggs on a med-high speed until frothy then add the cream of tartar and whisk until it forms stiff peaks.
Once the sugar is at temperature, put the mixer on high speed and slowly pour the sugar syrup into the whisked eggs whites down the side of the bowl so as not to touch the whisk and splatter.
Once all the sugar syrup is in the egg whites, continue whisking at high speed for another two minutes then turn down the speed to medium until the bowl of the mixture is at room temperature.
Once the meringue is ready spoon half of the meringue into your green almond mixture. Stir to combine until it is streak free then add the remainder of the meringue.
Carefully mix the meringue in being careful not to overmix. The consistency you are looking for should be like flowing molten lava.
Transfer the green macaron mix to a piping bag with the 12mm nozzle and pipe the mixture onto one of your prepared trays with the guide. Once the tray is full, remove the template.
Now tap your tray onto your work surface 3-4 times to remove any large bubbles and to even out your macarons.
Bake one tray of macarons at a time for approx. 15-20 minutes until the macarons are risen and feel solid to the touch. If the macaron wobbles when you touch it then they need a couple more minutes.
Once cooked leave to cool on the tray for a few minutes then peel off the paper and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Repeat the above process with the remaining mixture piping and baking one tray at a time.
Once your macarons are made make the chocolate peppermint ganache by heating the double cream and peppermint extract in a pan until just below boiling point.
Break up the chocolate and put in a bowl then pour over the warmed cream and stir until the chocolate has melted.
Leave to cool for about 20 minutes, stirring every now and again until the mixture is cold. Then whip up the mixture using an electric whisk for a couple of minutes until thick and fluffy in texture.
Pair up the macaron shells so that they match and then fill with the ganache using a piping bag.
Take flat serving platter or board and assemble your macarons onto it in a circle so it resembles a wreath.
Decorate with fresh raspberries, mint leaves and candy canes then serve.
If preparing the day before the filled macarons will keep in an airtight container overnight in the fridge.
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes