Place the vanilla sponge in a food processor and blitz until the sponge is a fine crumb – if you don’t have a food processor this can be done by hand.
Place the sponge in a bowl with the Vanilla Buttercream and mix with a spatula until the Buttercream is mixed into the sponge and it begins to stick together.
Using your hands bring the mixture together and roll the mixture into 8 equal ovals – use an egg as a size guide. Place on a tray lined with greaseproof and put in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.
Whilst the cake pops are in the fridge, colour your Fondant Icing. Take 400g of Fondant and knead on a surface lightly dusted with icing sugar until soft and pliable. Add a few drops of Yellow Colour Gel into the Fondant and knead the colour into the Fondant. Keep adding a few drops of colour until the colour is evenly mixed through and you have bright yellow fondant.
Colour the remaining Fondant with the Orange Colour Gel.
Wrap the coloured fondant in cling film to prevent it drying out.
After 30 minutes remove the cake pops from the fridge. Divide the yellow fondant into 10 equal portions. On a surface lightly dusted with icing sugar roll out a portion of the yellow fondant to approx. ¼ cm thickness. Wrap the yellow fondant around one of the cake pops, cut away any excess fondant and pinch the fondant together to create a seal. Rub the seal with your thumb to smooth it out. Repeat this until all the cake pops are covered in yellow fondant, you should have 2 portions of yellow fondant remaining.
With the remaining yellow fondant, roll out and cut out 8 circles, then cut the circles in half, this will create 16 wings. Stick a wing to the side of each cake pop using a small paint brush a very small amount of honey.
Using the orange fondant, roll out and cut 8 small triangles and place in the centre of the cake pop, this is the beak – place on the opposite side to the fondant seal. If the fondant doesn’t stick, then use a small amount of honey.
Finally using a small paint brush paint eyes onto the chicks using the Black Colour Gel.
Your chicks are now ready to serve and enjoy!
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes
Seasonal Recipes