Pop the milk, eggs and melted butter into a blender and blend until combined. Sieve in the flour, Baking Powder and sugar and blend until smooth.
Divide the batter between 6 bowls, add a small amount of each colour to a different bowl and mix until you have 6 strong shades of each colour.
Lightly grease the base of a crepe or frying pan with butter or oil. Pop over a medium heat and pour in half of one colour batter. Tilt the pan so the batter covers the base and cook for 1-2 minutes and then for the fun bit; loosen the edges and flip the pancakes and cook on the other side for a further 1-2 minute. Pop the pancake onto a cooling rack and cook the remaining batter, pop a layer of greaseproof paper between each pancake to stop them sticking together as they cool. Continue cooking your pancakes until you have 12 in total, 2 of each colour and allow to completely cool.
Meanwhile make your filling; pop the gelatine into a small bowl and cover with water, leave to soften for 5 minutes. Pop your custard into a pan and heat over a low heat until hot but not boiling. Once your gelatine has softened, squeeze out the excess water and pop into custard and stir until it has melted. Pour the custard into a large bowl and leave to cool.
Pop your cream, icing sugar and Vanilla Paste into another bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Once your custard has cooled fold in your whipped cream.
Now to assemble, use the base of a 20cm cake tin to trim each crepe so they are all the same size. Pop the filling into a piping bag and cut a 1cm hole in the end.
Pop a purple crepe onto your serving plate and pipe a spiral of filling over the top and use a palette knife to smooth it over the crepe. Pop the next purple crepe on top and repeat, with the blue then green, yellow, orange and finally red crepes, making sure you keep enough filling or each layer. Pop your crepe cake into the fridge to firm up slightly whilst you prepare your decorations.
To decorate, pop the raspberries into a blender and blitz until smooth. Push through a sieve to remove the seeds so you are left with a smooth sauce. If your sauce if is not sweet enough you can stir through a few tsps. of icing sugar.
To serve, grab your crepe cake out of the fridge, pop on some raspberries and pour over your wonderful raspberries sauce. If you are feeling fancy why not sprinkle over some Rainbow Magic Sprinkles. Ta-dah your crepe masterpiece is ready to serve!
Pancake Recipes
Pancake Recipes